Services HQ Services in High Quality
The partner for everything related to HR-IT transformation, consulting, implementation, and support. High quality for employees, organizations, systems, and processes!
HR is making progress in the field of digitalization and automation. We ensure that the right steps are taken.
Thanks to our years of experience in HR and IT across a wide range of organizations, we are the go-to partner for advice in these areas.
Decisions made and ready for the implementation of a new system? We ensure that everything works correctly and is delivered to your satisfaction.
We deliver High-Quality, tailored HR solutions that foster human growth, and prepare organizations for the future through innovative, data-driven technology and expert consulting.
HR System Selection
Every year, new HR systems enter the market, while others disappear. Which system best suits your organization? Advisory Services HQ can guide you through the entire selection process, from the long list to the final contracting, leveraging extensive market knowledge.PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Managing and executing projects is our second nature. We make sure projects are completed successfully!
What does the current market have to offer, what future developments do we see and how can this help the organization? With the innovation scan we will find out together!
We can implement the best suited HR-IT solution with a focus on efficient processes for employees and the organization. We have years of experience in implementing systems and optimizing processes for their use.HR Process Optimization
HR organizations often operate in the same way for many years. Due to changing laws and regulations and the needs of employees, it is important to map out HR processes. Advisory Services HQ assists organizations in making them more effective and efficient.System and process scan
An independent scan of the current solution? Together we scan the processes and the system(landscape) looking for inconsistencies and/or possible (efficiency) improvements.Organization Consulting
Do you want to make the next step as organization but you don’t know how to start? We help you identifying and/or taking the right steps.Employee Experience
From candidate to employee and alumni, throughout the entire employee lifecycle there are key moments in the relationships and interactions between employees and their organization. Advisory Services HQ helps organizations identify key moments and improve employee experience at these moments through, for example, HR Technology or personal attention.CHANGE MANAGEMENT
An HR system implementation or HR transformation without adoption will never deliver the expected results. Advisory Services HQ helps organizations pay attention to the most important aspects.Our Core Values

People Minded
We have our hearts in the right place. We don't see people as resources, but as the most important factor within the company that makes the difference. In our solutions, we don't talk about people as 'puppets', but look for connections with the different target groups that your company has.

Solution Oriented
Sustainable, High
Quality service
with a smile

Bold Brained
Our team consists of star players who challenge the norm and dare to think differently than usual solutions. Each of us brings something unique to the table in terms of personality, passion, way of thinking and working. Our unique capabilities result in the best solutions for our customers.

Tech Savvy
In this century, every issue that focuses on HR, people, organization and change is also accompanied by a technologic and digital transformation component. Our promise is to include the latest and most innovative technologies in every issue we tackle.
OUR Labels
We are convinced that people are at their best when they can do what they like, what they are good at and what they know about. To reinforce this, we work with various labels that house specialized subjects.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in the area of HR and HR technology Advisory Services HQ helps organizations with the digital transformation of the HR organization. With the transformation processes can be streamlined, the experience of employees and candidates will be enhanced, the quality and accessibility of data becomes better and the HR organization will be enabled to deliver added value to the organization.

With experience from dozens of HR IT system implementations, People Services HQ helps organizations with the use of HR-IT software, with the aim of optimizing processes and offering the best Employee Experience. Through knowledge gained in a multitude of industries and organizations, we can provide a suitable solution for every situation.
Empowering organizations to create a human-centered working environment by personalizing HR technology.

Het beloningsbeleid: een essentiële gids voor organisaties
Vorige week hebben we een klein overzichtje gedeeld van enkele hele interessante release items. In dit artikel willen we je meer inzicht geven in wat die release items betekenen. Wellicht zit er iets heel interessants voor je organisatie tussen!

Fosway Cloud HR 9-grid
Organisaties die zich kunnen aanpassen aan veranderingen hebben meer kans om te groeien en goed te gedijen, ‘Change is the only constant’ in deze moderne wereld waar het tempo van opvolgende verandering steeds verder omhoog gaat! In deze blogpost verkennen we de 5 grootste valkuilen die gepaard gaan met verandermanagement.

Het belang van guiding en design principes bij de implementatie van een HRIS
De implementatie van een Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is essentieel geworden voor organisaties die streven naar efficiëntie en effectiviteit in hun personeelsbeheer. Echter, het succes van een HRIS-implementatie rust niet alleen op de technologische aspecten, maar juist op de gehele HR transformatie. Deze transformatie begint met de juiste guiding en design principes.
Ensuring that organizational and system processes work together in an optimal way, that's what we do it for!
The right people with the right specialism and the right knowledge for the right assignment, that's how it should be
We are hiring!
Do you consider it a rewarding step to help organizations progress? To collaboratively make the best choices with a client and assist them in achieving a more efficient HR process or HR-IT landscape? Services HQ has a High Quality chance for you, curious?
We are looking for High Quality colleagues who are enthusiastic about the services that Services HQ has to offer and want to grow with us. Please contact us using the information below, and we would be happy to tell you more about what we can offer you, including HQ employment benefits and assignments that will challenge you.
More details about what we are looking for:

Visiting Address
Blaak 555, Rotterdam
Bob van Rooij
E: |
T: 06 – 21 21 10 78
Gonen Frenk
E: |
T: 06 – 11 01 58 33
E: |
T: 06 – 81 79 42 25
Ronald van den Heuvel
E: |
T: 06 – 18 63 95 79