Vendor Friday – UKG

We see many organizations struggle with the selection of long- and shortlist software vendors, due to the lack of knowledge regarding the vendor, different perceptions, and the great variety in the vendor landscape. Therefore, we would like to help organizations in their decision-making process by introducing a blog. Every week, we will ask the same five questions to a different software vendor. 

Welcome to the world of UKG, where HR solutions are redefined, and employee experiences are transformed. At UKG, we think that you don’t have to choose between a great culture and operational excellence. In this blog, we'll delve into the functionalities of UKG's People Operations, explore what sets it apart from the competition, discover the organizations that benefit from it, peek into the 2024 roadmap, and offer valuable tips for organizations seeking innovative HR technology.

  1. Can you describe the functionalities of your HR solution and in which countries you are active?

At UKG, we believe in simplifying the employee life-work journey. Our People Operations solution empowers your workforce by automating people-centric processes and providing access to crucial knowledge seamlessly. This allows your team to focus on personal and business goals, boosting productivity, compliance, and engagement.

UKG People Operations is your key to enhancing the collaboration between HR and operations, making work life more manageable and enjoyable for your employees.

  1. What differentiates your HR solution from the competition?

1. Operational Efficiency and People Experience Combined: In today's economic environment, optimizing operational efficiency while prioritizing the employee experience is crucial for long-term success. UKG People Operations uniquely offers both by providing a modern workforce management solution that brings HR to the shop floor.

2. User-Centric Approach: Our user-friendly products ensure that everyone in your organization can use them with ease. From employees to HR leaders, we make sure that interacting with our solutions is a breeze.

3. Dedicated Focus: We specialize in HR and operations, and our solutions are tailor-made to support your unique needs. Your priorities are our priorities.

4. Global Compliance Expertise: We've helped global organizations navigate the complex world of compliance. With our expertise, you can proactively manage compliance in all the countries where you operate, minimizing risks and avoiding fines.

  1. How would you describe the average organization that uses your solution? Are you active in a specific sector or size of organizations?

UKG People Operations caters to organizations of all sizes, with a particular focus on manufacturing, retail, and logistics sectors. We specialize in scenarios where employees have dynamic scheduling needs and aren't tethered to their desks all day.

  1. What does your roadmap in 2024 look like?

At UKG, we’ve infused AI into our HCM suites with schedule optimization, statistical-based forecasting, and retention prediction, as well as natural language processing and sentiment analysis.

Onze samenwerking met Google Cloud’s GenAI en grote taalmodellen (LLM’s) via Vertex AI zal een revolutie teweegbrengen op het gebied van conversatie-interacties binnen onze HCM-oplossingen.  Door de sterke punten van UKG’s mensgerichte AI-mogelijkheden en Google’s cloudaanbod te combineren, hebben UKG en Google de eerste stappen gezet om praktische en doelgerichte generatieve kunstmatige intelligentie naar het HCM-landschap te brengen om te transformeren hoe organisaties hun mensen meer mogelijkheden geven en hun bedrijf runnen.

“UKG’s application of Google Cloud LLMs and GenAI is a great example of how these technologies can streamline important but common processes at work and tangibly improve the day-to-day experience of employees everywhere”, said Thomas Kurian, CEO at Google Cloud.

  1. Which tip do you have for organizations that are looking for new HR technology?

If you're in search of new HR technology, consider these tips:

  1. Define Your Needs: Identify your specific HR needs and objectives, including payroll, recruitment, performance management, workforce management and employee engagement.
  2. Scalability: Ensure the technology can grow with your organization, accommodating future changes and expansion.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Opt for user-friendly software that doesn't require extensive training. A well-designed interface boosts adoption and satisfaction.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Look for technology that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, such as HRIS or ERP software.
  5. Mobile Accessibility: In today's mobile workforce, mobile accessibility is crucial for both employees and HR professionals.
  6. ROI Analysis: Conduct a thorough ROI analysis to assess how the technology will impact your organization's efficiency, productivity, and bottom line.

Altogether, we hope that UKG answers to the previous five questions not only allow to paint a picture of their qualities, but that is also functions as a form of guidance in the process of choosing a new HR system. They are equipped to streamline HR processes, enhance employee experiences, and drive success. With a focus on user-friendliness, scalability, and innovative AI solutions on the horizon, UKG is a partner you can rely on for the future of HR technology.

In conclusion, various reasons make it difficult to make the right choice of HR system in the crowded HR vendor landscape. Services HQ can offer support in choosing which system suits your organisation best, as we are one of the few digital HR transformation companies in the Netherlands that is vendor independent. Are you interested in this service? Let’s get in touch!


Het belang van guiding en design principes bij de implementatie van een HRIS

De implementatie van een Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is essentieel geworden voor organisaties die streven naar efficiëntie en effectiviteit in hun personeelsbeheer. Echter, het succes van een HRIS-implementatie rust niet alleen op de technologische aspecten, maar juist op de gehele HR transformatie. Deze transformatie begint met de juiste guiding en design principes.

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