People Transparant Background File 1

People Services HQ People Services in High Quality

The partner for everything related to SAP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors. From transformation and consulting to implementation and support. High quality for employees, organization, system, and process!


Systems are there to assist in going through HR processes in the most optimal way. We ensure that we determine the optimal configuration together to support the processes.


Thanks to our extensive experience in the field of SAP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors across a wide range of organizations, we are the go-to partner for advising in these areas.


From drafting the project approach and conducting workshops to executing configuration, data migration, and support. With our expertise, we can support and carry out your SAP implementation.

Years of experience and always up-to-date on the latest SAP-trends.

People Services HQ Team


Met onze ruime ervaring op het gebied van SAP HCM en SAP SuccessFactors zijn wij in staat organisaties te helpen met het inzetten van SAP HR software, met als doel processen te optimaliseren en de beste Employee Experience aan te bieden. Door kennis die is opgedaan in een veelvoud aan branches en organisaties kunnen wij iedere situatie van een passende oplossing voorzien.


An implementation involves multiple phases and numerous activities to achieve a successful system. This includes creating a project approach, assessing processes, translating them into a system design, configuring the system design, and possibly executing data migration. Together, we will embark on this journey!


Projecten managen en uitvoeren is voor ons een tweede natuur. Met een kritisch oog voor structuur, tijdlijnen, kosten en aandacht voor betrokkenen, zorgen wij ervoor dat SAP projecten tot een goed einde gebracht worden!


What does the current market have to offer, which future development do we see and how can this help the organization? With our innovation scan we can find out together! We are always up-to-date with the latest SAP developments, so we can jointly develop a roadmap.

SAP HR Systems

Do you want to digitize and automate your HR processes? And free up your hands to focus more on strategic HR issues? With the help of SAP HR systems, we make this transformation a reality and take your HR organization to new heights.

Customized Support

Digitalization doesn't stop at a successful implementation. Due to changes in the environment and technological innovation, system support is necessary. At the same time, it's important to use the system as intended. We ensure that daily operations, such as incident and change management, run smoothly, and that new functionalities can be realized.

HR Process Optimization

Loopt het HR-proces nog niet helemaal zoals u had gehoopt? Zijn uw processen verouderd? Is uw landschap te complex geworden? Of bent u benieuwd naar nieuwe mogelijkheden of functionaliteiten? Wij brengen in kaart op welke gebieden uw processen kunnen verbeteren.


Using data from the SAP system in other applications as well? For instance, to manage your Active Directory, payroll processor, or PowerBI? Our architects and integration specialists shape the architecture of the HR landscape and ensure seamless integration of systems and processes.


Testmanagement wordt vaak onderschat terwijl het juist van essentieel belang is voor de juiste uitvoering van het HR-processen, kwaliteit en de adoptie van het systeem. Door middel van onze begeleiding, testplan en testscenario’s kom je niet voor verrassingen te staan en waarborg je het proces.


An HR system implementation or HR transformation without adoption will never deliver the expected results. Advisory Services HQ helps organizations pay attention to the most important aspects.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in the area of HR and HR technology Advisory Services HQ helps organizations with the digital transformation of the HR organization. With the transformation processes can be streamlined, the experience of employees and candidates will be enhanced, the quality and accessibility of data becomes better and the HR organization will be enabled to deliver added value to the organization. Advisory Services HQ is, net als People Services HQ, onderdeel van Services HQ.

Our Core Values

People Minded

We have our hearts in the right place. We don't see people as resources, but as the most important factor within the company that makes the difference. In our solutions, we don't talk about people as 'puppets', but look for connections with the different target groups that your company has.

Solution Oriented

We don't think and talk in terms of problems, but in terms of solutions. Pragmatic is our middle name. We approach challenges and possible blockages positively and like to tackle challenges with both hands. Our expertise enables us to think in terms of possibilities and to determine the right direction together with you, with a sustainable view of the future.​

Sustainable, High
Quality service
with a smile

Bold Brained

Our team consists of star players who challenge the norm and dare to think differently than usual solutions. Each of us brings something unique to the table in terms of personality, passion, way of thinking and working. Our unique capabilities result in the best solutions for our customers. ​

Icon Tech Savvy

Tech Savvy

In this century, every issue that focuses on HR, people, organization and change is also accompanied by a technologic and digital transformation component. Our promise is to include the latest and most innovative technologies in every issue we tackle.​


Jolanda Hidding

Het belang van guiding en design principes bij de implementatie van een HRIS

De implementatie van een Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is essentieel geworden voor organisaties die streven naar efficiëntie en effectiviteit in hun personeelsbeheer. Echter, het succes van een HRIS-implementatie rust niet alleen op de technologische aspecten, maar juist op de gehele HR transformatie. Deze transformatie begint met de juiste guiding en design principes.

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High-Quality Collaboration: optimize employees, organizational, and system processes.

people Services HQ Team


Informatie en inzichten delen, daar komen we verder mee

Services HQ Team

We are hiring!

Do you consider it a rewarding step to help organizations progress? To collaboratively make the best choices with a client and assist them in achieving a more efficient HR process or HR-IT landscape? Services HQ has a High Quality chance for you, curious?

We are looking for High Quality colleagues die enthousiast worden van de dienstverlening die People Services HQ te bieden heeft en met ons mee willen groeien. Neem contact met ons op via onderstaande gegevens en wij vertellen je graag meer over wat wij jou te bieden hebben, zoals een zelf samen te stellen HQ arbeidsvoorwaardenpakket en uitdagende opdrachten.

Op dit moment zoeken wij SAP SuccessFactors (Lead) Consultants. Voor meer informatie over wat wij precies zoeken en jou te bieden hebben, klik op een van onderstaande links.


Our details

Visiting Address

Blaak 555, Rotterdam

Bob van Rooij

E: |
T: 06 – 21 21 10 78

Gonen Frenk

E: |
T: 06 – 11 01 58 33

Ronald van den Heuvel

E: |
T: 06 – 18 63 95 79
